Ho-Ho Series
The Ho-Ho Series is my favorite set of exercises for increasing breath capacity, strengthening breath support and sharpening your staccato singing!
Three tempos (80bpm, 100bpm, & 120bpm) are included for each exercise, as well as sheet music, and brief instructional videos. Octaves are played in the right hand making it suitable for high and low voices.
Pitch Range: A2 or A3 to E4 or E5
Each of the four parts builds upon the part before it, culminating in one long exercise intended to be sung in a single breath.
Individuals who book a lesson of any length (30min, 45min, 60min) receive this pack for the low low price of FREE!
For information or inquiries about private lessons, feel free to reach out to me by email (1krosestudios@gmail.com) or on the socials I have linked below!
Aaaaand if you just can't get enough, follow below for tons of exercise ideas, popular song run breakdowns, interval training, & more!
Instagram: @1kevinrose (https://www.instagram.com/1kevinrose)
TikTok: @1kevinrose (https://www.tiktok.com/@1kevinrose)
Youtube: @1kevinrose (https://www.youtube.com/1kevinrose)